Welcome to my Japanese Toy Page! The majority of this page is dedicated to Japanese toys and TV shows that I saw as a kid, on a local show called CAPTAIN COSMIC. If anyone reading this lived in the SF bay area -- we probably share many similar memories. Read on, and as always, email me if you have any cool info.

Updated the Giant Robo page
There's a bunch of great new toys coming out in Japan. Here are some of the latest and greatest -- all of these are available from the cool guys at Toy Syndicate!

Maramit Stormtrooper and Sandtrooper
Check out the detail and perfection of these figures! They are a total pain to put together, but these DESTROY the Hasbro figures. Each one goes for about $100, but no Star Wars fan should be without it!

Click on image for larger version

Indiana Jones
IT'S ABOUT TIME someone did an Indy figure. This one is by a company that does very small runs of expensive figures. Check out the detail! At $350 bucks, it ain't cheap -- but you'll never see anything better! I'll have some pictures of my figure as soon as it arrives... I can't wait...

Click on image for larger version

There's also Indy's white stallion available! Or courese, it's on the way too!

In case you missed it:
It's about time I updated this page! Still working on the layout and gathering some info. Look around and keep coming back!
I Updated the page with some pics of my toys and added some links. Over time, I will be adding more pictures of my collection, and try to update each section with info on the show, etc. If I don't have good info, I'll try and point to someone who does
What to expect in the future?  
Links to some hard-to-find sites on Japanese toys.
Pictures of my collection
Trade list.

E-mail me with comments, questions, or if you want to send me free stuff. I love free stuff.