PAINT PREP – January 2004  
The majority of the year restoration was spent getting the body ready to paint. This, of course, required me to take the entire car apart at which point I realized this project was much bigger than I intended it to be. There is a certain path you start down where you realize that you’re going to have to do it right.


Panel Repair – July, 2003

Off For Paint – November, 2003

Primed – January, 2004

Back at Home – April, 2004

Panel Repair – July 28th, 2003
After getting the car running, my first goal was to get the accident damage repaired. I felt if that could be done well, I would feel much better about moving forward with the restoration; I had no idea how much more damage was done beyond the exterior. It turns out the trunk floor was buckled pretty badly, but overall the repair was done very well and I was very happy with the result. You can see in the first 2 pictures the skin of the donor quarter-panel, and finally at the bottom you can see the repaired damage. Seeing the car in this condition made me feel much better about moving forward.








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OFF FOR PAINT – November 22, 2003
Away she goes


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PRIMED – January 22, 2004
You can see that the car is starting to come together. Already looking better than it has in a long time. 14 hrs were spent sanding and preparing the body for paint. You can’t even tell in these pictures it was ever in an accident.






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Here is some work as it was finished in April. The car is not fully together, but you can see that it’s going to be great when it’s done!








E-mail me with comments, questions, or if you want to send me free stuff. I love free stuff.